Contact us, or enquire about a plot
Plot info and contact details
Charges for Plots
Our plot sizes are based on the traditional plot size of 10 rods which works out at approximately 300 square yards. Exact shapes vary but generally equate to:
Full Plot (90ft x 30ft) £100 rent + £10 membership
Half Plot (45ft x 30ft) £50 rent + £10 membership
Quarter Plot (45ft x 15ft) £25 rent + £10 membership
Plot availability
There are no plots available at the moment but get in touch and we can add your name to the waiting list.
Please send us an email, or use the form below.
Our email:
Where to find us
Ledbury Allotment Association Grounds
Wellington Heath
Ledbury, HR8 1NF
Take the B4214 Bromyard road from Ledbury station. After just over a mile turn right up a narrow lane to Wellington Heath. The site is 100 yards up the lane on the left.
Do come and visit!